

Her course, for me, just rang true. It was detailed enough that I could understand and identify with not only the ideas of vibration, but practical application.

Other courses were too vague or esoteric. I’m more of a visual person and learn better with concrete examples which are similar to my own experience. There were a lot of similarities. I’m an extrovert and while it took me a while to join the group conversation, it helped to read others experiences and identify with them.

Cynthia Spurr

Austin, TX

Mandy has a way of stating the some of the same information I have been listening to for several years, but in a way that I could actually understand.

Who know’s why I couldn’t get it before, but so happy and grateful to get it now. I have been blown away at how simple she puts the information. It is perfect, it is measured out perfectly to not be overwhelming!

Sheri Gann

Springfield, MO

Mandy is authentic and works with an incredible amount of integrity.

Also, she’s goofy and silly, which is endearing. When you work with Mandy, you are working with a real, beautiful person, not a persona.

Tiffanie DeVarso

Pendleton, SC

Mandy's energy, authenticity and love, resonated with mine, from the get go.

I have been empowered! Through Mandy’s, instruction I was able to see that some deep hidden beliefs were keeping me from aligning with my hearts desires.

Sonya Walter

Canyon Texas

Mandy is so positive, upbeat and real.

Her belief makes you believe.

Melissa Stevens

Wasilla, Alaska

Mandy’s way of teaching doesn’t seem like teaching. She doesn’t “lecture” us and treat us like we are students that need to learn.

She gives us short reminders, simple truths, and her words just trigger the light bulbs in a gentle and effective way. She is right to the point!

Anchalee Grinins

Brooklyn, NY

I love her personality and that she is straight forward with her teaching but she does it in a fun and kind way.

She is like my own personal coach and cheerleader at the same time.

Lynn Morales

Austin, TX

Her energy. Her smile. Her authenticity. Her wackiness in a very good sense. Her spontaneity.

The fact that she said in a live Q&A, sometimes I burp, after she made the tinest of noises that nobody heard. But she did not cover up the truth. She went with it and I found it endearing as I always worry what other people think. Now I am beginning to ask myself why. Not that other people don’t matter, of course they do, but so do I. So her honesty helped me to reduce my stress levels.

Michelle Boronad

Paris, France

Mandy is the only person I found that I totally got! Love her energy! Truly . . . no hype, no bs, just straight up, facts, and guidance.

Due to the reasonable prices for Mandy’s courses, webinars, and/or workshops, she and her associates are able to reach out to more people & make a huge impact in our society.

Bea McCarty

Chancellor, Alabama

She is not afraid to broad a complete picture, to connect the dots between manifestation, quantum physics, entrepreneurship / business, health and emotional intelligence.

Yeah sure it might mean talking about woo-woo stuff sometimes but actually it lead me to greater awareness and acceptance of the parts of me that I find weird, inexplicable or not yet understood.

Kareen Pierre

Gatineau, Quebec

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