

There's already more flow and fluidity in my daily life. I'm far more aware of resonating in the frequency of love and better able to gay back to that place when I get off track.

Being able to shift myself from a lower frequency to a higher one by focusing on love.

Maire Brandon


My relationship is stronger! I manifestingvhealing of that relationship and a conversation between us lifted the resentment I had with it! I am more conscious every day and have learned to do the things that raise my vibration! I feel so much better with less stress and sound sleep!

It is so hard to just choose a few but Shifting my perception and raising my vibration are a couple that stand out for me! Earlier lessons were tough when I had to dig up past experiences and the feelings that came with that in order to learn and grow butbit was worth the pain!

Donna Thomas


I really AM loved! Two years ago, a senior student of mine told me, "Love is a choice."

That stunned me into new behavior. Mandy’s message reminds me that love is about giving AND receiving–I can CHOOSE to BE loved! WHAT?! Now I’m smiling more, telling my family members I love them more often;

Christie Fleetwood


What a relief to not shoulder all that any more! The phrase "perfect love and perfect trust" has been with me for many years, but I have gained a whole new level of understanding through Mandy's course.

I’ve just finished the 30 day program, and I am starting again because I feel the need to go deeper in some areas. I think it’s a continual process, like peeling back the layers of an onion. We are still displaced, but I am so calm about it. I occasionally have a 3 minute rant (usually about the building inspector), and then I let it go and I’m okay again. I’ve started manifesting some nice opportunities, and my health has improved immensely. I’ve made some powerful discoveries about my programming, and that has helped me feel so much more serene. I feel amazing!

Anne Stone


My biggest breakthrough was learning that I need to feel significant. All of my life I was made to feel otherwise. This has helped me make better decisions that are true to myself.

I am still trying to pinpoint my true desires but I have noticed several things “showing up” in my life very easily after manifesting and working on my positive vibrations. I can’t wait to put my new skills to work once I have uncovered what it is I truly want to do!

Amy Parsons


I have become more relaxed, more me. I also have become more sensitive for the energy of other people what means I am more living from the heart.

I now have set boundaries for my self. I no longer am influenced by my ex (at least not complete, but in a few weeks completely) With raising kids I am more certain how to raise them and not let my ex control that part. why, why, why was a great lesson for me. Really dig in your deepest thoughts and find the true reasons behind. The next is boundaries, I have learned to set clear boundaries. And my favorite is love vs fear. Look at a decision and find out what kind of it was. I getting more aware which decisions are from love or fear.

Gerard Verver


Starting to remember the lessons as they apply to me in the moment. More, it’s ok! Light and Love. Being more ok with me.

All the lessons are applicable to me and have to repeat to fully comprehend and get it In! Love vs fear, is one I keep going back to because it all seems to start there. With the memory being impaired, I’ve found it a bit frustrating to try and remember the firsts or the when’s. So, I have decided that the majority are lack of self love and just determine that it’s that and don’t worry about when it first happened. I reach for the lighter feeling and go from there.

Tammy R


My attitude has shifted 100%.... I am way more optimistic and believe that I am deserving of good things in my life. I have started putting pieces in place to put out a book, and I am way more open and aware of possibilities in my life.

One of the most important things I learned is how many limiting beliefs I have and how I’ve let old stories about myself interfere with my present. I am continuing to work on putting the past where it belongs. I’ve been able to speak to my parents about how their belief systems have affected me as well

Laura Ellick


I cannot explain how much it had lightened my heart and soul

I have only been about 18 days into my program because I am taking it slower and really looking myself and getting to my WHY. Why do I feel less than, not worthy. It has taken me to some dark places but, I cannot explain how much it had lightened my heart and soul. I have stopped worrying about my husband leaving me for someone better because I am awesome. I have started to train for a career I have always wanted I will have my certification in March!!!! This is after 18 years of wanting to do this and not thinking I could. I can and I have.

Amy Leslie


Man oh man! I started feeling the peace and love that just absolutely flows from Mandy!

When I first opened the program, I went through it in two days! I wanted to soak up every nugget I could! I then went back and focused on the daily lessons. Man oh man! I started feeling the peace and love that just absolutely flows from Mandy! My thought processes are more clear and I am no longer in that dark place that I was! I have learned to love me and be my authentic self. I am more positive and uplifting to those around me and the atmosphere in my home is now full of love and acceptance!

Janice Gosnell

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