

My anxiety only comes up when I really push myself outside my comfort zone, though now I can handle it much better.

I know that I am and always was enough. I am slowly getting off all 10 of my prescriptions, I am down to three and I am scheduled to set my dr next week to start getting off another. I am down to 2 drs. My pain days have gone from everyday to maybe a bottle a month. My anxiety only comes up when I really push myself outside my comfort zone, though now I can handle it much better. This is a place the dozens of drs I was seeing couldn’t help me get to!

Becky Mullen


What about me that isn't me is a concept that has been hard for my kids to grasp, they think they are just who they are...this has been insightful and a lesson we will be revisiting often until we really grasp this concept

I’ve signed up for an improv class and have been going weekly. Before, I think my subconscious reel would have kept me from trying. My daughter has had the best basketball games of her life: breaking 2 school records this week.

Jamy Sullivan


Im doing great with thinking of my dream every night before bed

The meditation, Im behind on the lessons but Im going back.

Barbara Allen


WHY? has been HUGE in understanding myself. Avoiding the downward spirals of the many triggers and subconscious reel is paramount to my daily happiness. True AUTHENTIC happiness.

It is still amazing when I manifest the people and opportunities needed to help start my business. I knew I was unsatisfied and unhappy but I thought I hid it well. I thought I could put on a good show, but now I realize everything out of my mouth had a negative connotation. Most importantly, I was able to forgive myself for my past mistakes and to start loving myself, and better loving those around me. I will BE forever grateful for that.

Michelle Cook


I have been able to love and know myself on such a deeper level and am so profoundly grateful for that.

Now, I’m MUCH more conscious of my old patterns and stories. I’m much more conscious of how I’m feeling and thinking. I also am finally really understanding what it is to be a vibrational match for something. I had manifested before, and I had also read about and watched videos on vibration, but the way Mandy explained it in the program made it so easy to understand and apply to my life. Now, if something doesn’t feel right, I don’t just accept it. I shift it ASAP, and I catch when my thoughts are detouring in the wrong direction a lot faster.

Alexis Irwin


I manifested 1,000.00 in 2 weeks, I am able to shift through when people start with their stories and programming see it for what it is and not be as affected by it.

I used to get pretty upset as a reaction to others opinions and views. I would handle it by just getting away from them and in some cases that is still true. But when it comes to the negativity of family you have to do things differently I’m not casting my family out of my life. I have found a way to see it for what it is a distraction from what I truly desire.

Laurie Juszkiewicz


I have just finished the course and although I have not started anything new, I feel that I can see the future is going to be better.

The course really makes you think. I actually would listen to the video clips several times, not just the day it came out. I have the tools now and can see whats holding me back. Now I just need to implement them. My favorite quote from Mandy – Nothing changes if Nothing changesI feel it relates to everything!

April Miller


I have so much more love and appreciation of myself. I finally trust myself again.

That time is what we perceive it to be. That a feeling really only lasts about 90 seconds, if it is there after that we chose to keep it. Grounding and checking in throughout the day. Being present in the moment. And so much more.

Amy LeBlanc


Since going through Mandy’s program I now have a peace, a knowing, and a positive expectation that all I desire is on its way.

Before Mandy’s program, business was slow and I was struggling, but now the money is flowing. This month alone I’m set to make close to $18,000, which is $2,000 away from my goal!

Nicole Emerson


Mandy has opened my eyes to the beginning of learning to love myself, encourage myself, and manifest what is true in my heart as inspired by a greater, divine, plan.

I have learned that setting boundaries is healthy, and liberating. I can ride the waves of this beautiful life, loving every emotion I feel, with gratitude and lightness. In all of this, I have learned to be more thoughtful, more solid, and move loving, for my children, my friends, my community. Thank you Mandy

Rebecca Stirling

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